首页/杂文 直击人心的正能量经典语录摘抄,精辟有哲理,刷爆朋友圈


时间:2024-07-09 10:51



Later, I realized that only by earning enough money to make me feel at ease can I live a simple, comfortable and free life, and make myself live with more confidence. So, spend more time and effort, less effort and affectation.


To do every simple thing well is not simple; to do every ordinary thing well is extraordinary. Success is a cumulative and continuous process. Any attempt to get away with it and succeed immediately is doomed to failure.


Dont worry about the things you cant get, and keep away from the negative energy things. Life is not bad for wind and rain, so dont add sorrow for yourself.


There is always an answer to everything. Its better to let nature take its course than worry. Fate doesnt owe anyone. If you look at it, everyone will have a blue sky above his head. If you look down, everyone will have a sea of flowers in his heart.


The so-called work: that is, we exchange our soul for money, and then redeem our soul with money. The so-called life: nothing but the first half of health for money, the second half of money for health!


You helped him ten times, and he took it for granted, which means that you no longer have the right to refuse. If you refuse again, you will be a villain. On the contrary, you set the bottom line at the beginning, show the principle, you help others once in a while, you are the angel, you are the invincible good man. This is human nature.


Some people are used to showing bad emotions and sadness, subconsciously for comfort and sympathy, but in fact most people just as a joke. Only the inner sunshine can warm others, and only when you are well, can you get the care of others. Put away the affectation.


No matter how the world treats you, please work hard, be brave and full of hope as always.


Dont think too much, let it be. In life, if you choose complexity, you will choose pain; if you choose simplicity, you will choose happiness. The lost scenery, the scattered crowd, the longing that cant wait, all stop at the end of fate. Why too persistent, the natural to come, to go to stay.



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