首页/趣闻 唯美惊艳的治愈句子,优雅走心,直抵心灵


时间:2022-05-25 23:34


Not everything that is lost should be grieved upon.the only way to make room for new things in your life is to accept the changes by patiently waiting for what life is about to serve you next.


Love is a restless traveller it will always find its way,it often knocks as a vistor.but i hope like home it stays.


The end of the story does not neccessarily depend on how well it began,but kow well it flourished.


You are waiting for the spring to grow but with autumn,you are learning the art of letting go darling,the growth has already begun.


Poetry is the magic of unsaid words,that dwelled too long before the heart could learn not to feel so mcuh.


Hope is the root of our lives.we keep clinging to it,to nurture ourselves through autumn and spring equally.


Take your time to evolve.it isnt a race.its a process to see yourself break,splinter and finally mould into the finest hues to make a break through the cloudy skies like a long- awaited rainbow adorning the blues after the heavy rains.


The destruction was wide enough to leave the remants of my heart in smouldering embers,waiting to turn into ashes but hoping to inflame a spark again.


To have a soul that sings the melody of self love is the most precious one,the one worth cherishing every second of every single day of your life.


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